In Ayurveda Giloy is a very important and extensively used Ayurvedic medicinal herb. It is also known as Gurach, Galo, Gulancha, Guduchi, Amrita, Shindilkodi, Guruch, Guduch, Gudurchi, Gulancha, Heart-Leaved Moonseed and Tinospora. It belongs to plant family Menispermaceae. It is an herbaceous vine that propagates through stem cutting.
Giloy herb is known as Amrita due to it's medicinal properties. Giloy is used in treatment of Gout, Pile, general, debility, fever, Jaundice and other disorders. It is given to treat chronic cases of fever with enlarged spleen.
Health Benefits of Giloy Stem:
It is a rejuvenator.
It increases body immunity against diseases.
It removes toxins from body.
It is General anthelmintic.
It is bitter tonic that helps by improving digestion and assimilation.
It removes obstruction in channels, burns toxic waste (ama) and balances Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
The fresh leaf juice has diuretic action. It gives relief in burning and painful urination.
It reduces cholesterol and lipid level.
It gives strength to heart and cures weakness of heart.
It is the best herb to cure fevers in all type of diseases, including malaria, typhoid, jaundice and tuberculosis. The decoction of Giloy, taken for few days, thrice a day cures fever.
For digestive system, it is a boon. It protects liver and cures liver disorders.
It gives relief in excessive acid secretion, ulcer formation, gastritis, gallbladder inflammation, indigestion, gas and constipation.